A smooth way of taking in some live bossa nova is to visit Bar do Tom (Rua Adalberto Ferreira 32, Leblon) or Vinicius (Rua Vinicius de Moraes 39, Ipanema) named after one of Rio's favourite musical lyricists Vinicius de Moraes of "Garota de Ipanema" fame. For large samba shows, replete with the city's legendary mulattas, try Plataforma I (Rua Adalberto Ferreira 32, Leblon). The locals refer to these events as shows turĂsticos, and not without good reason.
Rio's celebrated red-light district comes to life after dark in the streets behind the Hotel Lancaster. Pussy Cat, Erotika and La Cicciolina are all well frequented topless bars, and recently Barbarella (Rua Ministro Viveiros de Castro 24, entrance R30) has acquired a reputation for being the most alluring. Drinks are predictably expensive in these bars. There is also a thriving gay scene in the city, and Le Boy (Rua Raul Pompéia 102) is a popular meeting place for members of the gay community.

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