Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Carnival Blocos (carnival street bands)take about 1 million people to the streets of Rio on the weekend.
Only the Bloco da Preta had estimated public of 500,000 people, on this Sunday. In Copacabana Beach, 200,000 carnival revelers tanned the sertanejo music of the Bloco Chora Me Liga, under heat of 40ḞC.

Brazil Carnival 2017 still didn't begin officially, but the movement in the streets of Rio proves that the hot fun already arrived to be. About 1 million people participated at the party of 115 blocks Saturday (February 18) to Sunday (February 19)

The largest was the Bloco da Preta, with 500 thousand people in this Sunday in the Center, with homage to the Chacrinha centennial.
Under sun and thermal sensation of 40ḞC, 200 thousand people followed the Chora Me Liga for the beach walk of Copacabana, for a carnival in rhythm sertanejo.

The Suvaco de Cristo had 15,000 thousand revelers public in the Jardim Botanico. In Barra da Tijuca, 70 thousand people accompanied the street band Bloco da Barra.

photo: hot carnival brazilian girl at bloco
The Brazilian carnival fest was inaugurated well early, as 4 thousand people in the Cordão do Boitatá, in the Center. The Timoneiros da Viola, in Madureira, counted with the 10,000 people and, in Laranjeiras, the traditional block infantile Gigante da Lira gathered 4 thousand revelers, between adults and children.
On Saturday, they were about 250 thousand people participated at the party. The carnival bloco that gathered more cariocas and tourists were the Simpatia é Quase Amor, in Ipanema, with 50,000 people.

Photo: Rio carnival blocos, mulatto brazilian girls