In closing the recording works of the CD of the samba schools of the special group- Rio de Janeiro Carnival 2019, the Artistic director Zacarias Siqueira de Oliveira concluded that his team and the associations had just anticipated in the studios of the Cidade do Samba -City of Samba-(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) a preview of what Will happen on the Carnaval Avenue. "They lacked fantasies and allegories, but the organization, the Claw and the participation of the communities were present. And that emotion was passed on to the techs too. The samba enredos CD is a show! "-guarantees the director, who also accumulates the Vice-presidency and the Liesa Heritage Board. The Rio samba carnaval album will reach the main stores nationwide in the second week of November 2018.
This will be the 47 official album of Rio de Janeiro Samba songs produced by Zaca and the ninth recorded live in the Cidade do Samba - City of Samba, Rio de Janeiro. The Samba schools are already in the stars and have organized themselves with a number for the day of the recording. They've produced props, banners and special clothes. Some attended with over a thousand people to compose the choir of the carioca community.