Saturday, February 02, 2019

Rio carnival 2019: the King Momo elected

Wilson Neto is elected King Momo of Carnival Carioca for the 4th time
Photo: Rio Carnival King Momo 2019 and Rio carnival Queen

Wilson Dias da Costa Neto, 32, and Clara Paixão, 35, are Rei Momo and Rainha do Carnaval Carioca. The Court of revelry was elected at dawn this Saturday (26), with a party in the City of Samba, in the Port Zone. Deisiane Jesus and Viviane Ramos are the princesses.

The candidates for King Momo present were observed for their resourcefulness, sociability, ease of expression, friendliness, carnival spirit and mastery of the art of sambar. The candidates for the Queen were judged for their sociability, ease of expression, friendliness, carnival spirit, beauty of the face and harmony of physical lines, and mastery of the art of sambar.

Wilson won the title of "King Momo 1st and Carnival Unique 2019", a crown, a track, a scepter and R$ 30 thousand.

Wilson Neto returns to his post after leading the party for three years, between 2014 and 2016.
Clara, elected "Queen of Carnival 2019," won a crown, a track and also R$30,000. The second place, Deisiane, won the title of 1st Princess of Carnival 2019, a tiara, a track and R$ 22,500.

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