Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The samba carnival 2019 is already playing in the streets of Rio de Janeiro

Brazil, Rio: 1.8 million tourists will visit Rio de Janeiro during this year's carnival.
The Rio de Janeiro carnival, the most famous in the world, is already warming up for the intense month of March that awaits it, which will have its apex on the nights of Sunday 03 and Monday 04 , March 2019 with the famous parade at the Sambódromo of the Special Group's samba schools.

Photo: hot brazilian carnival girl at Sambadrome Rio, samba parades

Rio de Janeiro Street carnival 2019 festivities:
By the end of the week, thousands of people are expected to dance and sing after musical groups such as the Banda de Ipanema, the Bloco das Carmelitas or the Orquestra Voadora in the streets of this Brazilian city where carnival is already taking place.

Considered by the Cariocas as "the biggest party in the world," the figures generated by the Rio de Janeiro carnival are the best proof of its unparalleled magnitude.

The municipal tourism company, Riotur, estimates that 1.8 million tourists will visit Rio de Janeiro during this year's carnival, which means that the total public, including cariocas and foreigners, should reach 5 million people, 10% more than last year.

According to the Rio de Janeiro Hotel Association, the occupancy rate during carnival week should be 90%.

Visitors should spend in the city about about 970 million dollars.

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